Tuesday 23 December 2014

Coming Shortly : Google starts displaying song lyrics on search page

source: timesofindia
NEW DELHI: It looks like Google wants to make searching for song lyrics simpler. In fact, the search giant wants to ensure you don't need to go to any other website to get access to lyrics of your favourite song.

It is now displaying snippets of song lyrics at the top of the search results when a user searches for "song name lyrics" as part of its knowledge graph offering. The lyrics are accompanied by a link to the song's listing on Google Play Music, the company's content marketplace. The feature is live in the US and does not offer lyrics for all songs. The move was reported by SEO Round Table. A TechCrunch report cites a Google spokesperson to confirm that the feature is indeed being implemented.

Google already summarised displays results for a large number of search terms from websites such as Wikipedia, CIA World Factbook and Freebase as part of its Knowledge Graph feature. It recently started displaying 'how to' summaries, a move that could reduce search traffic to websites publishing how-to articles.

Even the roll out of song lyrics results could lead to decline in search traffic to websites that compile and publish lyrics. Google is also promoting its own content by placing the Play Store link with the results at the top.

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