Wednesday 17 December 2014

Microsoft preps for Lumia Denim with intro vid, support docs

source : pocketnow

All the way back in September, when Microsoft was introducing new Windows Phone hardware like the Lumia 830, it also had an announcement to make about new firmware on the horizon: Lumia Denim. The update was set to deliver features like 4K video recording – when it got here, that is. Word was that Denim would hit WP8.1 Lumia handsets starting sometime this quarter, but it’s been seriously slow to arrive; so far, there’s some early evidence for distribution to phones in China, but users in the West remain out of luck. However, that may be just about to change, as Microsoft’s spotted getting its ducks in a row for Denim’s arrival.

What’s changed? Over on its Lumia WP8 support page, Microsoft is now updating its online assets to switch from talking about Lumia Cyan to Lumia Denim. The market-by-market ETA pages are still in Cyan-mode, but the main update page now addresses the imminent arrival of Denim.

There’s even an update video (embedded below), going over the basics of upgrading to Denim. It’s nothing Windows Phone users haven’t dealt with before, but the mere fact that this video’s now been published really has us thinking that Denim updates are about to start hitting handsets in a big way. That should mean flagships like the 930 and 1520 seeing it arrive first, with other Lumias joining as we start getting into 2015.

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